Thank you for your support! This wouldn’t be possible without you.

Your donations guarantee the continuity of our work to help victims of social injustice.

Where are the donations being directed to??

You will collaborate to facilitate all the comprehensive care that a woman receives, from her detection to her social reintegration, as well as actions for prevention and combating trafficking

Creating new life opportunities is not an easy task, therefore, if you are interested in generating a bigger impact, help us with the long-term sustainability of our Residential Resources.

Every year the Residential Resource costs €400.000 which includes staff, rent, maintenance, among others.

Why contribute to Project Rescue and Restore’s Residential Resources?

Residential Resources are the safehouses where we offer care to women who arrive there with the hope of getting out of their state of vulnerability and star their empowering process towards a life in which they are the owners of their own story.

choose a way to donate

Bank Transfer

If you want to donate through a bank transfer, you need the following information:

Bank: CaixaBank

Account: ES45 2100 3129 0322 0028 7200

Account holder: ONG de Desarrollo Fiet Gratia

Concept: When you transfer the money, in the concept section, include your name, surname and the word “DONATION”. Example: JohnSmithDonation


Code: 06417

Concept: When you transfer the money, in the concept section, include your name, surname and the word “DONATION”. Example: JohnSmithDonation

Paypal/Credit or debit card

To obtain your donation certificate and access tax benefits, fill in the form: